Aware that we are in the Traffic Risk Management business, we are proactive in both formal and informal compliance and risk mitigation. Our long term involvement in the Traffic Management Industry of Victoria and The Government Research Group on Safety in the Construction Industry demonstrates our commitment best practice workplace safety, and its strategic development.
Our quality and OH&S Management Systems have been fully audited and have been accepted by Vic Roads for Prequalification.
At the workplace every member of Active Traffic Management commits in writing to our Workplace Health and Safety Protocol® before they start work on their first day. This is a contractual document that requires compulsory safety compliance on a number of issues, including:
- Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (including sunscreen)
- Zero reading for alcohol and/or drugs
- Current valid permits, licences and accreditations
- Reporting of unsafe practices and/or sites
- Always facing traffic
- Safe lifting practice
- Proper use of revolving safety beacons on vehicles
- Correct set up of tapers and work zones
- Loading & unloading in safe zones
- Management of unauthorised personnel or vehicles
- Procedure for shutting down an unsafe site
- Emergency procedure
Our on-site processes are supported by a number of instruments & activities covering:
- Toolbox meetings before commencing
- Equipment check before commencing
- Daily Vehicle Inspection Report
- Daily Signage Diary
- Completion of job specific Job Safety Analysis® form
- Completion of Incident/Accident Form